Handcrafted Earring Holders by CJ's Designs

Handcrafted Earring Holders by CJ's Designs
Sizes hold from 30 pairs of earrings - 90+ pairs of earrings

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

CJ's Handcrafted Earring Holders

Tired of your earrings being thrown in a box and not being able to remember all the options you have to match your outfit?!

Come check out my latest earring holders that are available today.

If you could please help like my Facebook page and follow my blog and... Pinterest page I would be most grateful!!

Interested in buying any of these Earring Holders or many more. Check them out on Etsy here

Coming soon- pegs & knobs for necklace holders! These will be added to the frames.

small- $20
Color- Bright Pink
Holds- 37 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 13 1/2 inches wide x 11 1/2 inches tall

small- $20
Color- brown
Holds- 39 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 12 1/2 inches wide x 10 1/2 inches tall

small- $20
Color- teal
Holds- 39 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 12 inches wide x 10 inches tall

small- $20
Color- Cream/Tan
Holds- 37 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 12 1/2 inches wide x 10 1/2 inches tall

small- $20
Color- Brown
Holds- 39 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 11 inches wide x 9 inches tall

small- $20
Color- Black
Holds- 38 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 11 inches wide x 9 inches tall

small- $20
Color- Black
Holds- 38 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 11 inches wide x 9 inches tall
medium- $25
Color- Red
Holds- 59 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 11 inches wide x 9 inches tall

Large- $30
Color- Grey
Holds- 81 pairs of earrings
dimensions- 15 inches wide x 12 inches tall

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Need a little help getting that Christmas Tree wrapped up and put away for the year?!

So sad Christmas is over and moving on into the most depressing time of year with not many holidays to look forward to having work off to spend time with my kiddos. Well as I was putting my tree away this year. I thought I would reach out to share the most amazing way we store our Christmas Tree every year. 

The best part about this trick is #1- I leave all my Christmas Tree lights on my tree every year. Let me repeat that, I leave all my lights on my tree and don't have to re-wrap my 30+ strands every year. LOVE IT!! It also ends up being crazy skinny after you are done wrapping it. Then last, but not least it keeps your tree from getting dusty while being stored for the year. 

Note with doing this to my tree I chose to update my Christmas lights after 6 years only because I felt like they were just getting worn out and not as bright anymore.  

To start go to Home Depot or Lowe's and buy the large roll of plastic wrap. Not very expensive and you can use it tons of times and for all different kinds of things. We have used this to wrap our floor when moving in or during construction to keep the dirt and mess off my carpet. It peels right up and made my carpet clean! 

Then start at the top of the tree as shown below. You will need two people to wrap the tree as tight as possible and make it easy. My husband holds the top few branches straight up. I then start wrapping the branches together by going around in a circle. 

My husband then folds up the tree row by row once I have wrapped the row above with plastic. I just keep doing circles around the tree while making sure to keep the branches tight while I am wrapping them. 

This is a good picture of what the plastic wrap looks like. (above)

This is a picture of what someone holding the plastic and wrapping it around the tree as the other person pushes up a layer of branches. (above picture)

Here is what the final product looks like. Awesome right!!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Games, Games, Games.... What are good games for you and your family?

Games, Games, Games....
My family and I absolutely love playing games. The one thing that I hate is spending money on a latest game that ends up being lame and a waste of money! Make sure to check out my blog frequently to know the latest and greatest games for adults, families, kids, etc....
  • Fun Adult Games-
    • Farkle by Patch
    • Ticket to ride by Days of Wonder

  • Fun Games for you and your kids-
    • Dominoes- (Chicken Foot)
    • Checkers

  • Fun Kid Games-
    • Spot It
    • Old Maid
Game ratings-
  • Get your game on-10 (Great game & worth buying)
  • Let's play- 5 (I would try from someone you know before you buy it to make sure it is a good fit for your family)
  • Dull- 1 (Not my favorite & I would not buy)

CJ's Designs A New Journey

Hello my name is Cassidie,
I am so excited about this new journey I am starting in my free time. I have so many dreams and goals that I can't wait to start working on.
Get to know me:
  • I love being creative and crafty.
  • I love learning how to do things with my hands like my dad and grandpa.
  • I love taking the time to work in my yard and see the beauty that can come from a little time spent outside. I learned this from my amazing mom.
  • I love spending time with my kids and family.
  • I love to cook!
  • I love playing games with my family.
  • I love the holidays and the memories we create during these times of year.
I look forward to you joining me on this journey.

I will be giving away lots of FREE ideas, FREE downloads & FREE game reviews.


contact me: 801-641-3976
Interested in buying my earring holders.... Shop name- CJsDesigns23 on Etsy